
We welcome academics from across the University.

If you are interested in finding out more about IEI-related initiatives, events and opportunities across the city region, then please email us at to join our network.

If you would like to discuss any of our projects in more detail, or have ideas for other organisations or groups we might engage with, then please email Martin Parker, the IEI Director, at

Inclusive Economy Initiative Bids  – Changing Bristol’s Economy for Good   

The Bristol Inclusive Economy Initiative (IEI) is inviting bids to support research impact work aimed at tilting the city region towards a low carbon, high inclusion, high democracy economy.  We are a Temple Quarter research centre which works with other organizations in the Bristol city region to understand the forms of governance, finance, technology, innovation, and economic participation which can tilt our economy in the direction of inclusive, fair and low carbon business systems.   

We welcome applications for funding from anyone working towards achieving our aims highlighted above. We also welcome new projects that fit our overall aims and work with city region partners. 

If you are planning to apply, we would encourage you to let us know via the IEI email (Bristol Inclusive Economy Initiative Enquiries Mailbox) beforehand so that we are aware your application is in process  

Standard bids would normally be in the region of £7,000 but we will accept bids for up to a maximum of £15,000.

The awarding panel consists of members of the IEI Steering Committee and RED. The criteria for deciding where to award money will be based on which applications best reflect the overall aims, themes and working methods of the initiative and that show the greatest potential to help catalyse change.

The deadline for applications in this round is the 13th December 2021

Please read the Guidance Notes for further details about how to apply and then complete and return the Application Form